PAG (Plasma Arc Gasification). This is in a high temperature vessel (12,000°F +) within the reaction vessel, the organic fraction of the MSW is converted to a gas, called “Syngas”, typically composed of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide gases. Through using additional technologies such as pyrolysis, gas can also be produced that consists of various low molecular weight organic compounds. From this “fuel gas” ethanol, jet fuel, and diesel all can be produced as a consistent high quality product.
The inorganic portion of the fraction of MSW is recovered in the form of a vitrified material. This “slag”, can be processed into a variety of commercially useable products. The metal portion of the slag can be further separated and sold as pig iron.
This “Slag/ Pig Iron” is not to be confused with conventional lower temperature (8,000°F or lower) “Waste to Energy” plants. Their emissions have to be scrubbed, also producing fly ash which has to be conventionally land filled. There are several companies around the world that have put these technologies together in similar fashion. To date, no company has built a commercial scale plant in the United States. QBE being the first to do so.
Water, is used to cool the PAG Vessel. In doing so, water is converted into supper heated steam. This energy – steam, would be the same energy that is used in Natural Gas Fired Electrical plants today. The heated steam is used in our process the same, to generate Electricity. In conjunction with producing an abundant amount of Fuels and by products from the process of PAG.
The end result of the process is 0% emission!
CPE has developed an elegant process to combine several proven technologies. The technology is readily available and proven. It is exciting to comprehend the advancements that have occurred in just the last two years within the realm of plasma arc gasification, the Fischer-Tropsch processes and additional recovery systems.
Three renowned scientific figures in plasma research, design and construction will assist the plant operations in achieving further improvements in decreasing costs, increasing revenues and enhancing overall performance. Already improvements in base performance of syngas capture, carbon sequestering and the Btu value enhancement have been identified while consuming less parasitic loads on electrical production.
The bottom line conclusion, we have a solution to a major problem, how we deal with MSW. The solution will generate a steady income for years and years. The income stream is similar to utility companies. The U.S., and the World, will continue to produce trash and will have a continual need for energy, thus no fluctuations only increased revenues as we increase performance and better cope with economies of scale. The market is exponentially expandable. The solution cleans up our environment, creates jobs, and will be readily accepted by communities as it puts an end to their landfills.